A simpler way to find premium hikes


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   Your 1st stop to find the most beautiful hikes in North America (and Beyond)
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Sample Gallary 1

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Sample Gallary 3

Mountain & Desert Showcase

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Thank you for visiting Day Hikes Finder. The primary purpose of this website is to allow the user to search for the best day hikes by photos. The website also serves as a showcase for the world of more ‘serious’ hiking.

A majority of the hikes included are premium hikes that have left indelible memories in our minds. They are mostly miles away from the usual tour bus stops but accessible by just about anyone (with determination). Regardless of your hiking background, we hope you’ll enjoy our photos and utilize our experiences to plan your own adventure. Open your mind, prepare well, stay safe & have fun!

Enjoy the visit and see you on the trail - from Lucian and Mary.



Click on the highlighted region in Pink, then click the thumbnail for a larger photo OR click on the the trail name below the thumbnail photo for detailed trail information.


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Photos are updated periodically.













8/26/16 9:16 PM ____________


Site Established by Lucian Loh, 2008

© dayhikesfinder.com 2008-2013. All Rights Reserved. Contents are copy right protected with U.S. Copyright Office (TX 7-036-314). No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

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